

A cannabis genotype is essentially the plant’s plan, or genetic code, that determines how the plant will grow and look as it matures.

The word "genotype" refers to the genetic code offered by the DNA. Not all plants within the same genotype grouping will grow to be identical. They will share similar traits and characteristics that are passed down from parent plants, but outside factors such as environment and nutrition can also play a role in shaping the plant.


What is the difference between genotype and phenotype in cannabis?


In simple terms, genotype refers to the genetic potential of a plant, while phenotype refers to the physical outcome once outside factors have also played a role. Both are important for understanding the characteristics and effects of a cannabis strain.

There are two terms you may see or hear when researching cannabis (and other plants) - genotype and phenotype. While they sound very similar, there are some marked differences.

The genotype is the 'blueprint' of a plant - it's the genetic makeup that is inherited from its parents.

The phenotype, on the other hand, is the physical expression of that genotype. It's what you can see and touch, such as leaf shape or flower structure.


How many different genotypes of cannabis are offered to medical patients in the UK?


The list of available cannabis genotypes for medical patients in the UK is continuously growing and changing. Currently, there are a few main categories that encompass different genotypes: Sativa, Indica, Hybrid, and CBD-dominant strains.

While this system of classification is becoming somewhat outdated, it can still provide a general idea of the different genotypes available. It's important to note that within each category, there are various strains with their own unique genotypes.

To find out more about genotypes, click here

If you would like to learn more about medical cannabis in the UK, Releaf is here to help.